
Let inspiration guide you - be inspired by other successful people - read inspirational quotes and inspire others

To inspire others is the best inspiration you can give to yourself



In every organizations or groups, whatever field it may be, leaders exist. As we all notice, and with the video trainings we’ve watched, or seminars that we have attended, that discusses about leadership, a leader must first humble them self to be great one. Humility, it is.
This is a character a leader must possess.  A leader is therefore a servant. Since the word Leader itself means “the person who leads”.
I’m just new in this Multi-Level Marketing. And because I came to see the great opportunities it brings to me, as a starter, I feel so happy because it brings out the best in me. I gain this bursting self-confidence which enables me to build my own team.
It is not easy to be a leader. I already knew it since my school days. It is indeed not easy to deal with different kinds of people in a group. Then I learned more the meaning of a leader when I got promoted on my previous job, dealing with people with different characters. And as I am building my own team right now, in this MLM Company, I am learning more and more.
A leader, though obtains an authority, doesn’t mean they need to rule over their people. But as what we usually see, nowadays, leaders guide people wrongly. They use their leadership for the sake of their own personal interest. They act as a leader just for fame. Some also do leadership for bullying. And mostly, they do it with PRIDE, which weakens a leader.  They actually don’t know the true meaning of being a leader.
A leader means to be humble. This is the best character or attitude a leader must obtain. How will you become a good leader, if you don’t lead them by example? Even God sent His only beloved Son Jesus to be with the people on Earth. Did Jesus become boastful? No. Since on His birth, it already shows how humble He was. I’m always enlightened with how Jesus came on Earth with a very humble personality, though He is Jesus, the Son of God.
Therefore to be a leader, you must be willing to serve and guide your people accordingly. A leader should apply humility, not only in action, but also in words. A great leader does not only lend a helping hand, but also is very willing to listen and understand situations with a humble heart. We all agree that we cannot please everybody, but is it what really matters? Not actually. We as a great leader will make them see and appreciate how we become a leader to them. That alone is a great achievement already. That alone simply means Success.
Now let me tell you this, it’s not actually hard to become a leader. We all are leaders already. We lead our own lives, ourselves. Now look and evaluate yourself. Are you humble enough to lead your own life? Well, that is where we need to start with and develop, for us to explore on the outside world and be a leader to others. I say it’s just simple for as long as you are determined enough to apply that humility to embrace learning you always meet every day, and put great passion in molding yourself with it, then it’s not far from the fact that you will be a great leader.
Let us look at this illustration and do some evaluation:

Obviously, the main character that binds the three actions is Humility. You humble yourself enough to only clear things, but not making yourself Right for others. You don’t only rely on what you said, nor conclude in what you only want. And because you always consider others opinions, you collaborates all the good ideas your team suggests.  In this manner, you will able to come up into good results that everybody will benefit.
Here are Five Benefits of Humility for a Leader I found on my research:
  1. It gives a leader the capacity to lead out of a position of strength.
  2. It makes a leader more persuasive.
  3. It gives a leader the courage to set aside personal gain for the good of others.
  4. It gives a leader the candor to be honest with his followers and change if necessary.
  5.  It gives a leader the character to respond charitably when attacked.
Thus, start leading with humility, as humility is the recipe of success. Never allow any pride ruin your leadership. Be a great leader by being a great follower.

 Click here to view the next topic... " INSPIRATION "



Before I start, I just want to share a little secret of mine on what keeps me going on this business.
I eat, breathe, live this business. I LOVE this business, this has become my Passion, the moment I wake up it’s like I am starting an engine, and my mind starts working and It start creating thoughts, positive thoughts, productive thoughts.
SELF-MOTIVATION is very important in this business,
I write these articles not only to motivate my readers, but it’s also a form of motivating myself.
I don’t know if you will believe me.
But I don’t work to please people primarily. I work to please myself..
No matter how much you would like to change the world, no matter how much you want to help people,
if.. you’re not satisfying yourself, if you’re not pleasing yourself, if you don’t believe in yourself..
it’s like you will ran out of juice..
How can you coach people, if your not even successful yourself?
How can you lead people to be successful if you don’t even believe in yourself that you can be successful.
It all start with YOU.
You know how champions are made?? Champions aren’t made in the RING, or in the court.
Manny Pacquiao for example, what makes him a champion? Is it his performance on the ring? NO.
The moment he steps in that ring, he is already a champion..
Champions aren’t made in the ring.. It is made on a place where nobody is cheering for him, no media is filming him, no judge is scoring him, the ring is just a place for recognition. Champions are made in the GYM, where he punish himself to exhaustion, push himself to his limits, and become better and better everyday. That’s where champions are made.
So let go of that thing in your head, thinking what would people think if you take your actions..
“Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t be trapped bydogma – which is living with the results of other people’s thinking. -Steve Jobs
So let’s talk about the importance of GOAL SETTING in an Online Business or Network Marketing business.
In order to succeed in this industry, or life in general you must have goals.  How can you create the life that you want if you don’t have a clear picture of what it is and how you are going to achieve it?
“A goal is a dream with a Deadline” - Napoleon Hill
“Visualize the end before you begin” – Stephen Covey
“Until you commit your goals to a paper, your intentions are like seeds without soil” – Anonymous
I think Zig Ziglar hit it on the head when he said, “You can’t hit a target you can’t see and you can’t see a target you don’t have.”  Many people fail in Internet Marketing because they don’t set goals.  Quite often, it’s not because they didn’t work hard or put in the effort to succeed.  The problem is if you don’t have set achievable goals, you’re really probably doing is “busy work.” And being busy is different from being productive.
Familiar ba? (Forgive me, as much as I would like to make my articles in pure english, I can’t help it, I can only express my true feelings if I speak using my own language – Tagalog) Naka kita ka na ba ng aso na hinahabol ang sarili nyang buntot?

For the poor dog, it looks like he is making progress. But he doesn’t realize that hes not.
Do you spend a good amount of time working on your home based business or Network Marketing Company without any real success?  And maybe its about time to recheck your strategies. And maybe you are committing the same mistake that I made when I was still a newbie in this business. I didn’t set any goals.
You see, when you start doing this business, when you start widening your reach, you will encounter a lot of people who wants to help you in this business, whether offline or online. There’s a lot of mentors out there, there’s a lot of coaches, and you can listen to them all, but with that variety thats also the problem.
Coach A says if you want to be successfull on your online business you should focus on building your list.
Coach B says if you want to become successful on your online business you should focus building a BLOG
Coach C says if you want to be successful in this business you should focus on Tagging People,
So YOU, of course you wanted to become successful in this business, you did all the advices of Coach A, B and C.. at ang malupit pa non, gsto mo rin maging Coach. Habang natututo ka, gsto mo naring mag turo.
Remember my article about FOCUS?  That’s the problem, and that is one of the Deadliest PITFALL in this business.
And that’s the reason why, I am writing this articles in a timely manner. Pwede ko nman isulat toh lahat ng isang araw.. Or gusto mo mag meet tayo, iexplain ko sayo lahat ng ito ng isang bagsakan lang.
The reason why I focus first on ATTITUDE, because that is the most important part that you should learn “FIRST” in this business.
I can teach you how to create your own website (which is coming soon on this blog), how to create your own blog, your own squeeze page etc. But if you don’t have the right attitude, I am pretty sure, if you dont get the results that you wanted fast? You will burn out.. And would probably quit this business before you even finish anything..
Remember being busy is different from being productive.
Pero wag ka mag alala, its normal. Sympre lahat tayo gustong matuto kaagad, we want to be ahead of everyone else, its normal sa isang tao to look for shortcuts in life, and we only learn from our mistakes.
So in order to help you set goals I came up with 10 tips.  And while your doing this, take it seriously, don’t just make something up.  Really take the time to decide what you want, how your going to get it and make plans on how your going to achieve your goals.  I came up with 10 tips to help you get started on your path of becoming a Goal Setter.  Believe me, the more well though out and precise goals you set will definitely affect the results you get.
  1. Put all your goals in writing. Ako I have a huge whiteboard sa harap ng computer ko, you can put it on paper, or in notepad on your desktop anywhere as long madali mo lang syang makita. (tandaan MAKITA ha, hindi MAALALA). Ink is better than think. An unwritten goal is just an easily forgettable thought;
  2. Create clear defined, achievable goals. For example, I want to earn $500 this month. Be very specific about what you want to achieve
  3. Set short and long term goals.
  4. Create a GAME PLAN on how you are going to achieve these goals, and again put it in writing…
  5. Create a daily schedule on how you will achieve your goals
  6. Take immediate action – the sooner you get started the sooner you can realize your dreams
  7. Take consistent action – wag ningas kugon (puro simula lang) take action daily, kahit 10-15 minutes lang everyday, and always review your goals frequently
  8. If you miss your goal, don’t quit. Get back up on that horse and ride it again! Review why you failed to achieve that certain goal, make minor adjustment and try again
  9. Once you achieve a goal. CELEBRATE. Do something for yourself, you earned it.
  10. And after you achieved your goals. Set more goals with a higher level.
Here’s an example of DETAILED SHORT TERM GOALS, Posted by one of my business partners. (Louie Mark Teope)
That’s TASKING, to achieve his goals. As you can see thats his night time routine 7-10pm.
Say for example you want to earn $500 this month, you wrote it down. But you don’t just write it down and wait for a miracle for it to happen. That’s stupid.
I want $500 this month. So I will do this taks everyday. For me to earn $500 this month I need to earn at least $25 per day. So in order to earn $25 per day I need to get 1-2 referrals. To get 1-2 referrals I need to create a PLAN. I need to do tasks.
Once you get the hang of setting and achieving goals it will become a part of your daily routine of running your own home business.  Always remember that it’s your business and no one will run it for you.  Additionally, this may help you, it works for me.  I keep my goals posted where I can see them.  I also have been known to cut out pictures of something I want and I put pictures of it on my wall to motivate me. (Dream Board)
Have fun with it and make the process your own.  Once you set your first set of goals, your on your way to achieving your dreams.  May all of you reach your dreams.
“Observe the TOP PERFORMERS, i’m 100% Sure of this, they all have one thing in common, they are consistent, they never stop, and they keep on achieving their goals.”
I would like to share a know formula on setting goals, Bahala napo kayo mag internalize dyan kasi very common nman yung mga words na ginamit..
In setting up Goals, set it up as SMART GOALS.
S – Specific
M – Motivational
A – Attainable
R – Realistic
T – Time-Framed
Okay, thank you for read this article I hope you learned something,
to end this.. share ko lang yung video ko regarding a story..
(hehe medyo mahilig po kasi tlga ako mag share ng mga motivational stories)
Minsan medyo nahihiya na nga ako to share these videos, haha. Pero what is important is yung Moral Lesson of the story..
So here enjoy!

Click this for Next Topic.....  " HUMILITY "

Ipagkakatiwala mo ba sa mga Unggoy ?

May isang pamilya nagpunta ng Baguio..
 nakasakay sila sa isang sasakyan.... ang nangyari
 nahulog sa isang bangin ang sasakyan, walang nakakita
 sa aksidente kaya noong inimbestigahan ng mga pulis
hindi nila alam ang dahilan ng pagkahulog ng sasakyan,  patay ang tatay, patay ang nanay, patay ang kuya at patay din ang bunso.Aalis na sana ang mga pulis na nag imbestiga pero ng mapansin nila meron palang buhay. Ang buhay lang ay ang alaga nila na unggoy .. kaya no choice ang mga Pulis kundi ang tatanungin nila ay ang unggoy.

"Hoy! Unggoy ano ang ginagawa ni tatay habang papaakyat sila ng Baguio??.. sabi ng unggoy .."hoo hoo hoo hoo .. nagmuwestra ang Unggoy na umiinom daw si tatay .. sabi ng mga pulis ah kaya pala nahulog sa bangin si tatay naglalasing. "sabi ng pulis -- "eh unggoy anong ginagawa ni nanay habang papaakyat ng Baguio??.. sabi ng unggoy "hoo hoo hooo hoo .. nagmuwestra ang unggoy na nagbubunganga si nanay .."ahh kaya pala nahulog dahil sa pinuputakan ng nanay ang tatay, sabi ng pulis "eh si kuya anong ginagawa habang papaakyat ng Baguio?? sabi ng unggoy "hoo hoo hoo hoo .. nagmuwestra ang unggoy na nakikipag away sa bunso, sabi ng pulis "ahhh kaya pala! ang gulo ng pamilya kaya pala nahulog sa bangin ang sasakyan nila,

.." Aalis na sana sila pero naisipan ng mga pulis tanungin ang unggoy "oo nga pala unggoy, ano naman ang ginagawa mo habang papaakyat kayo ng Baguio?.. sabi ng unggoy, "hoo hoo hoo hoo hooooooooooo.... nagmuwestra ang unggoy na siya daw ang nagmaneho ng sasakyan..

Anong moral lesson  sa kuwento??
Ang moral lesson ...ay huwag na huwag natin ipapamaneho ang mga buhay natin sa iba!marami niyan mga dreams stealer,,noong nag umpisa ako sa Business napakarami ang nang-discourage sakin,pero hindi ko sila inintindi, Kase hindi naman sila ang nakakakita sa tunay ng ganda ng business opportunity ng Negosyong sinasalihan ko.
Hindi naman sila ang magbibigay ng mga pangarap natin para sa ating mga Pamilya!at hindi din sila magbibigay sa atin ng Pang tustos sa pangangailangan ng Pamilya gaya ng pambayad ng kuryente at tubig,,kaya huwag na huwag  natin hayaang I-Drive ng mga Unggoy ang mga buhay natin,,’’ think this carefully!!


DISCLAIMER:  The Content of this Page is came from Well known and Professional Networker. This is only for Viewing Purposes Only.

The ABC of Success



This is a very serious and sensitive topic. And you should realize that this business, is not always about YOU.
About your FOCUS, about your stand for leadership, about anything that you thought you are.
It’s also about your followers. 
Some people join too many MLM companies. They argue their independent status and forget their interdependence with their company and fellow business partners. Your upline, your downline, your mentors, the company owner, and even your friends.
They are called JUNKIES.
Are you a MLM Junkie? Ito yung mga taong palipat lipat ng company.
They betray the trust of their uplines and the hopes of their downlines. In the end, they always end up worse than when they started because they lack FOCUS.
Like taking dangerous curves and stepping into quick sand, they sink deeper every time they keep moving until they can move no more. 
Para itong pakikipag relasyon. Have you ever been into a relationship? Girlfriend? Boyfriend? Wherein you can break boundaries, your love conquers all. When you are together it’s like you are with the perfect person on the perfect time, everything seems so perfect. Until someone better comes along. Maganda ba ang Girlfriend/Wife mo? Gwapo ba ang Boyfriend/Husband mo? Malambing, maasikaso, masarap magluto, masipag lahat na ng magandang qualities nasa partner mo na.
Pero, meron kayang mas maganda or gwapo sa partner mo ngayon? YES of course, possible tayong maakit sa mas maalaga, mas maasikaso, mas masarap mag luto at mas magaling sa lahat ng aspeto kesa partner mo ngayon? At tao lang tayo, possible tayong ma hulog sa temptasyon, ng isang bagay na possibleng “MAS HIGIT” pa sa tinatamasa mo ngayon. These are the offers of temptation. Lahat ng pangit sa dati mo, possibleng wala na sa magiging BAGO mo.
So, I’m not saying na lahat tayo ganon okay, but lets think of it as a scenario. What is it like being with a new relationship? At first sympre masaya yan, everything will seems to be very perfect yet again for the 2nd time. Pero pano yung binuild nyong pinag samahan nung nauna? Sayang nman, and you will be faced with all new different set of experiences and risks.
And on the other hand there are people who values their integrity, and fights for what they firstly believed and is willing to face any challenges in life through thick or thin. Kahit mag Boyfriend or Girlfriend palang. Yes aware sila na may mga taong mas gaganda at gwagwapo sa kanilang partner ngayon, and they will not entertain it. And these are the qualities of a successful relationship. A good Quality of a Good Partner. Being LOYAL.
The same thing din po, sa Business natin, when we engage on our business, our Network Marketing business. Of course we have the possibility to earn the INCOME THAT WE’VE NEVER IMAGINED. And we will fall in love with the business, we will be very grateful to the company, to the owner, to our uplines, to the opportunity. And we will be engaged with PEOPLE that we will bring in to this business, our DOWNLINES. We will be with them from the beginning until the present, aalagaan natin ang ating mga downlines, ispoonfeed natin ng information, tuturuan natin ng mga strategies and together you and your group, together you will face challenges, you will break boundaries, you will be together through thick and thin.. And you will overcome it TOGETHER! And you will try to reach Success together.
But is there a possibility na merong darating na MAS MAGANDANG COMPANY?? Mas maganda ang Compensation? Mas maganda ang Office? Mas maganda ang OFFER? Mas maganda ang Product? Mas maganda sa lahat ng aspeto ng company mo ngayon?? Wag po tayong magugulat pero ang sagot dyan ay: YES. Oo meron at meron talagang darating na mas maganda.
At tao lang po tayo, and I believe these temptations will not be given to us, if we can handle it easy. It’s similar to LIFE  TRIALS, GOD won’t give us Trials that we can easily manage. Kaya nga tinawag na TEMPTATION, kasi nga Tempting. And yes sad to say, lahat po tayo ay possibleng maharap sa ganyang klaseng temptation. And it’s up to us if we will give in, or we will value the relationship that we built among our business partners for a long time.
Ask this question now. How would you feel? If your Upline left you? (Pssh okay lang, mas magaling pa nga ako sa upline ko eh)  How about this? What would you feel if in the other hand. Yung company mo nman ang mang iwan sayo? One day gumising ka nlang, hindi kana maka login sa account mo? But the company is still there they just left you for whatever reason..  You will feel bad right? Ang sama siguro sa pakiramdam non. And that’s the idea of what your downlines will FEEL. Sa tuwing iiwanan mo sila.
There will be instances that even you keep on changing companies, some of your business partners will Follow your Lead. Kagaya mo, magpapa lipat lipat din sila ng company. Ito ang pina pakita nating image sa ating mga downlines, sa ating mga kasama sa negosyo. And that’s not a good kind of leadership, you are duplicating the wrong mindset to them. You are teaching them to be a JUNKIE like you. And if you fail, they will also fail.
Junkies always disappoint themselves because they are too impatient to allow events to take course and do not allow relationships a chance to grow. They have become professional victims – always complaining and critical of what is happening, never seeing the beauty of anything. They are always searching for greener pastures.
So this early, I want you to be aware and avoid the “junkie” trap. Check out the track record of junkies yourself! May nakita ka na ba na, TOP EARNER ng dalawang company? Yung tipong may Success Story sya dito sa isang company, tpos kasabay non, may success story din sya sa isang company? Yung tipong dalawa ang kotse nya yung isa may sticker ng isang company, yung isa naman ay may sticker din ng kabilang company? “WALANG GANON”. So why re-invent the wheel?
There has never been anyone significant among junkies in the network marketing profession. Do you know these people? Kilala mo ba itong mga taong ito? Is the person you see in the mirror like that? If you want to GROW, and grow in a significant way, then get out of the JUNKIE PRISON quick.
No commitments, no sacrifces;
No action, no result;
No growth, no progress;
It’s an unending cycle of why not’s! FOCUS and you will achieve your goals much faster. Go for it all the way with the one company you have carefully chosen. Be-Single minded and you will have much less distraction.
  • dont focus on money! Focus on people!
  • Focus on productive activities
  • Never focus on the things you cannot control. Instead focus your time, energy and effort on the things that you CAN control.
  • Focus on the things you have. And not to the things you don’t have.
There are many things in life that we cannot control, such as traffic, weather, budgets, competitors, natural disasters, or what people think about us. What we can control are our own actions and attitudes.
You cannot chase two rabbits at the same time, neither you cannot serve two master at the same time. Either you will hate the other one and love the other. And you will always compare.
“In the long run men hit only what they aim at” – Henry David Thoreau
Feel free to comment below. Constructive criticism will be accepted.
Thank you once again. For Reading.

Click this for Next Topic.....  " GOAL "


DISCLAIMER:  The Content of this Page is came from Well known and Professional Networker. This is only for Viewing Purposes Only.

The ABC of Success


“Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm”
Ano ba ang Enthusiasm? Enthusiasm ay ang tinatawag na “EXCITEMENT”.
Excitement while you are doing something, excitement while doing your business. And today I am going to explain to you why this is very very important, this will be your 5th KEY to a Successful Future. This might be the most important Key of all, Enthusiasm is the energy, the fuel, the blazing fire that brings about a successful result. If you want to accomplish great things; if you want to realize great goals; if you want to live a great life, you absolutely must possess enthusiasm for everything you do.

5 Reasons Why Enthusiasm is Better than Confidence

Lahat tayo gsto maging confident, tama ba? You always hear it from me, “Mahiyain ako”. But still I am making it to the top, at sa tingin ko isa sa malaking dahilan kung bakit, ay siguro dahil mataas ang level ng Enthusiasm ko. In every coaching seminar na inattendan ko the word “CONFIDNCE” is always there. Pero tao lang tayo, at karaniwan may mga lugar, may mga audience at sitwasyon na kung saan may mga pagkakataon na tatamaan tayo ng konting kaba, and usually ito yung mga high-pressure performance situation, tulad ng business presentation in front of a crowd, interviews, sharing or stage shows.
Of course we want to perform at our best in these situations, but I think the word ‘confidence’ creates more problems than it solves. Pero para sa mga katulad kong mahiyain nga, here are some tips, wherein you can create a workaround sa pagiging mahiyain natin. Yung pagiging “EXCITED” lang ang kelangan. Here are 5 Reasons why Enthusiasm is Better than Confidence.

1. Confidence is about you – enthusiasm is about your subject

As long as you’re focused on ‘being confident’, you are the focus of attention. And when it’s all about you, it’s very easy to get caught up in self-doubt (“Am I really up to this? Will I be able to do it?”). But when you focus on a subject that’s important to you – the work you’re presenting, the information you want to share, the message you’re trying to get across – then chances are you’ll find yourself overtaken by enthusiasm. You’ll be energized, your voice will sound stronger, your hands will start gesturing, you’ll find your whole body moving as you warm to your task. You’ll lose your self-consciousness and be lost in the work itself, in the words and ideas you want to get across.

2. Confidence is about you (again) – enthusiasm is about others

I repeat – when you’re trying to be confident, your attention is on yourself. But when you focus on your audience – whether one person, a roomful or a whole stadium – you stop worrying about your own performance. Instead, your attention is on the audience’s experience: How are the ideas coming across? How do they look? Engaged? Confused? Intrigued? Have they ‘got it’ yet? If not, what can you do to help them? What feedback are they giving you? How can you use this to make it easier for them to learn, to enjoy or to see your point of view? How can you get them to share your enthusiasm?

3. Confidence is impressive – enthusiasm is infectious

In tagalog, ang confidence ay nakakabilib, pero ang Enthusiasm ay nakakahawa. How many times have you watched a presenter or met someone and been impressed with their confident manner – but without really warming to them? Confidence can be impressive, but beware the kind of impression you’re leaving. Enthusiasm on the other hand, is highly infectious. Think of a time when you heard someone talk about a subject you had previously no interest in, but they were so enthusiastic about it, you couldn’t help being intrigued, even fascinated. There’s something contagious about the body language of enthusiasm – when you see someone talking excitedly, smiling, gesturing, full of energy and keen to share what they know, you can’t help responding. It’s as though at some level we look at an enthusiastic person and think “That looks good, that looks fun” and can’t resist the urge to join in.

4. Confidence is certain – enthusiasm is creative

You can feel confident when you know what you’re doing, and are sure you can do it well. There are lots of times and places for this kind of confidence, but too much certainty can be stifling. With enthusiasm, there’s always an element of uncertainty, the excitement of notknowing exactly what you’re going to say next and looking forward to surprising yourself. That’s why scripted speeches are so dull, and why the atmosphere at an improvised show is electric. Accounts of the creative process abound with stories of images, ideas or words ‘popping into’ someone’s mind – and invariably, the subject or medium is one for with the person has huge enthusiasm.

5. Confidence is serious – enthusiasm is fun

When you start talking or thinking about being confident, you’re likely to start taking things a bit seriously. When you want to be confident about doing something, it’s because you think it’s important. And when something is important, it means Bad Things can happen if you get it wrong. Thinking about Bad Things is enough to make anyone serious. But when you’re enthusiastic, importance translates into passion – and the whole thing becomes fun. There are few things more enjoyable than talking enthusiastically about something you’re passionate about, and feeling others share your enthusiasm.
Fear of PUBLIC SPEAKING. And no matter what I do, I cannot find a workaround for it. Laging andyan padin yung “KABA” sa tuwing mag prerpesent ako ng business sa harapan ng maraming tao. Pero ngayon natutunan ko na syang i-overcome, ang kelangan lang pala, itaas ang level ng excitement mo or ang Enthusiasm mo.
Kaya kung makikita mo ang Network Marketers, ang sigaw nila ay “POWER POWER!!!” sa mga hindi nakaka intindi, (yung mga hndi nag nenetwork marketing) tatawanan lang nila ang culture nating ganon. Bakit? Ang Corny eh! Pero hindi nila alam ang importance non, it is to maintain the level of enthusiasm on a group, a workplace or an organization.
Kelangan Maintained ang Level ng Excitement. Kelangan Maintained ang level ng Enthusiasm.
One more tip is to choose carefully your environment, ano bang environment meron ka? Ano bang klase ng tao ang mga nasa paligid mo? Sila ba yung mga sumusunod sa culture kahit mukhang corny? O sila yung mga nag tatawanan si gilid, kasi hindi nila sineseryoso ang business? Sila ba yung mga nangungutya sa mga ginagawa ng iba, mga pinag tsitsismisan ang mga ibang tao. Sila ba yung mga Negative? O Positive?? Choose your friends carefully and choose your environment carefully. Dun ka sa group na mataas ang level ng enthusiasm. Para mahawa ka sa excitement nila. Your rate of Success depends on your environment.
So let’s do it Old School. POWER POWER!!!!
Thank you very much for Reading, Part 6 Coming Soon, which tackles about the Letter “F” on the ABC’s of Success training series, which stands for FOCUS, paguusapan natin kung bakit importante ang FOCUS, at pag uusapan natin yung mga taong Patalon talon ng company hehe also known as JUNKIES.
Thank you once again. For Reading.

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DISCLAIMER:  The Content of this Page is came from Well known and Professional Networker. This is only for Viewing Purposes Only.

The ABC of Success


Discouragement is a choice. If you are feeling discouraged, it is because you have chosen to feel that way. No one is forcing you to feel bad. Hang-on be PERSISTENT! Do what’s right in spite of your feelings. Learn to be the MASTER OF YOUR EMOTIONS.
“He who controls others may be powerful. But he who mastered himself is mightier still.”– Lao Tzu
Gsto mo malaman kung paano ka ma-excite sa mga article na sinusulat ko?? Ito, imagine mo ito. 3 Months from now, you are now a leader of a group. (Mag isip ka na ng pangalan ng Team mo) Meron nang teams na ang pangalan ay, Team Hataw, Team Astig, Team Dabarkads, Team Aces, Team Unstoppable. Ikaw? Ano ang name ng Team mo ang gusto mo….
Okay, so now may team kana. 500 People under you. Congrats. Ngayon isipin mong mabuti.. How can you lead 500 People? May downline ka nag approach sayo, “Sir, pasensya na pero dinidiscourage ako ng parents ko nung nalaman nila na sumali ako sa business natin, parang gusto ko na ngang mag quit”. Ano ang maipapayo mo sa downline mo. Kapag sinabi nya yan sayo?? (Pause and think for a while)
Ngayon kung baguhan ka palang sa business na ito. Wala pa sa isip mo yan. Kasi wala kapang grupo eh. Ang nasa isip mo lang ngayon kasi nga bago ka palang, eh siguro “Paano ko mababawi yung pinang pa member ko”. Diba nakaka tawa noh? ANG BABAW ng rason. Nag start ka ng business? Pero ang thinking mo, “Paano ko mababawi yung pinang pa member ko”.
Intro palang yan. Hehe.
WELCOME to the Part 4 of the ABC’s of SUCCESS training Series, we are now at the letter “D” which stands for Discouragement. 
Sensitibo po ang ang topic na ito, kaya inintrohan kita ng ganon. Gsto ko ma visualize mo na “you are not in here in this business” just to double or triple your money, or just to get even”. This is a JOURNEY. A journey that you can be successful. A business na pwede kang YUMAMAN NG TODO TODO!!!
Hindi naman po sa tinatakot ko kayo (kaya nga sabi ko, sensitibo ang topic na ito) pero once you start going into the world of Business. You will be exposed to a lot of things. At isa po dun ay “DISCOURAGEMENT”.
Sino ang karaniwang mag didiscourage sayo sa business na pinasok mo? (Network Marketing)
  1. Parents
  2. Closest Friends
  3. Asawa
  4. Relatives, and lastly
  5. Pati mga hindi mo kakilala
Now, I will explain to you, bakit karaniwang NEGATIVE sila pag nalaman nila na pumasok ka sa business na ganito?


PERA – there is money involved in this business, and it doesn’t matter whether you are Young or Adult. Ang nasa isip ng mga taong nabanggit ko sa itaas, ay hindi dahil sa wala silang tiwala sayo or sa judgement mo. Pero sa hirap ng buhay ngayon, worried sila na baka nag sayang kalang ng PERA. Remember that we are talking about business here, and there will always be a DOUBT Factor, kung kikita kaba dyan??
EXPERIENCE – since ang business model naman natin (Networking) ay hindi na bago sa pandinig ng karamihan, ang rason kung bakit NEGATIVE ang mga taong nabanggit ko sa itaas, ay dahil. Iniisip nila na baka sumali ka sa isang SCAM.
Another experience explanation, ay siguro, sila mismo ay natry na sumali sa kaparehas na business, at hindi naging maganda ang kinalabasan ng business nila. Or hindi sila nag succeed sa business nila. Despite na binigay nila ang lahat lahat ng makakaya nila para sa ganyang business. Hindi parin sila nag succeed. At the back of their minds, “AYAW NILANG PAGDAANAN MO, ANG PINAG DAANAN NILA”.
Mostly mga Parents yan. Ako po mismo eh ang numero unong NEGATIVE saakin habang ginagawa ko tong business ko, ay yung NANAY ko. My Mom was an agent of Philam Life Insurance for 5 Years. Lagi nyang sinasabi sakin, “Anak alam ko nayan, 5 years akong ahente nyan, recruit recruit lang yan, pag wala kang recruit wala kang kikitain dyan.”
Again, hindi naman sa wala syang tiwala sayo, pero iniisip nila, na kung sila nga hindi nag Succeed, ikaw pa kaya? Mahal ka nila, kaya gagawin nila lahat para ilayo ka sa isang opportunity na pwede kang MASAKTAN.

LACK OF AUTHORITY – frankly speaking, yung iba tatawanan ka pa, lalo na kung medyo bata ka pa, sasabihin sayo “BUSINESS???”, IKAW? Anong alam mo sa business? Wala silang bilib sayo, so hindi na nga sila sayo sasali, hindi na nga nakatulong, eh ninenegative kapa. Balak kapang hilahin pababa.

LACK OF KNOWLEDGE – they don’t believe in your opportunity. They don’t believe that anyone can be successful in a short period of time. Masyadong crowded ang utak nila, ang alam lang nilang way of making money is either EMPLOYMENT, or the traditional Brick and Mortar business.

COMFORT ZONE – kaya sila negative sayo ay dahil sila ay nasa comfort zone pa, or kayo ay nasa comfort zone nyo pa. You’re doing good, hindi ka naman nag hihirap, may pera naman tayo. Bakit kelangan mo pang pumasok sa ganyan. May stable source of income ka naman, why try something new?

PRIDE – this is the ultimate producer of DISCOURAGEMENT. “Hindi ka namin pinag aral sa magandang paaralan para lang mag NETWORKING”, “Sayang lang ang oras mo dyan, sayang lang ang talent mo dyan, maghanap ka nalang ng totoong trabaho”

NEGATIVE PERSON – wala lang, walang rason. Sadyang nasanay lang sila sa pagiging negative for whatever reason. Ayaw nilang pag usapan ang SUCCESS, or hindi sila naniniwala doon. Mostly they will tell you the most harsh na pang lalait, para lang mapa realize sayo na kalokohan lang yang pinasok mo.

Yan ang mga possibleng rason kung bakit NEGATIVE sila sayo. At kung bakit ka nila dinidiscourage dito sa business na pinasok mo. There are probably more reasons out there why people will tend to discourage you to become successful.

I call most of them as “DREAM STEALERS”. And dream stealers are out there, everywhere. Kahit wala ka sa business side. People who will discourage you in life, and it’s not always people, but the happenings in your life, can discourage you. Hirap ng buhay, kawalan ng pera. Yan ang mga natural discouragement.
Dito sa business na ito, bubuhayin natin ang abilidad mo para mangarap. THE ABILITY TO DREAM. Dahil sa hirap ng buhay, we most likely lose this ability. Until it’s too late. And we realized. “Sayang, sana pala nag RISK ako nung mga panahon na meron pakong pwedeng iRisk”

Kid: Hey Dad i’m going PRO! Hahaah, I’m going PRO!! 
Dad: Yeah, okay, I don’t know.. You know uhh.
you’re probably about as good as I was..
that’s kinda the way it works you know,
I was below average.
So you’re probably utimately ranked somewhere
around there you know so..
You neeed to excel on a lot of things, not this..
I don’t wanna see you shooting this ball all day and night
Kid: Allright..
Dad: Okay go ahead..
Kid: Throws the ball and felt discouraged…
Dad: Hey. Don’t ever let somebody tell you you can’t do something.
Not even me. All right?
Kid: All right
Dad: You got a dream. You gotta protect it. People can’t do something themselves,
they wanna tell you you can’t do it. If you want something, go get it. Period.

See guys, that’s a Father and Son scenario. Not to mention the son was just a kid..
At kahit bata, exposed yan sa DISCOURAGEMENT.

Dahil sa hirap ng buhay, discouragement has been passed into our generations over generations. If we do not do something about, hanggang sa magiging ANAK MO, maipapasa yang discouragement nayan.

Gusto mo bayun?
Hanggang sa maging APO mo..
If you are a failure today.. Would you want to pass that into your future generations?
If not you, who will do something about it??

Sino ang gagawa ng paraan para sa SUCCESS mo?
Si upline ba?
Kelangan ba yung COMPANY maganda?
Sino ang mag dedecide ng SUCCESS mo??
Yung Parents mo ba?
Yung Friends mo ba?
Mga kamag anak mo ba?
Pati mga hindi mo kilala, dinidiscourage ka, papa affect ka ba??

And those people who discourage you..
Those people who is negative to what you do..
Nagaantay lang yan, inaantay ka nilang mag FAIL..
Para at the end of the day.. Andun sila..
Inaantay nila yung araw na mag QUIT ka sa ginagawa mo..
At finally masasabi nila yung pinaka gusto nilang sabihin sayo..

“SABI KO NA NGA BA!!!!!!!”

Sa simula palang sinabihan na kita.. Hindi ka nakinig..
Yan ang GOAL nila..

There will be CRITICS
There will be NEGATIVES
But there will YOU…

Don’t Let “ANYONE” tells you that you cannot achieve something..
There will be another Article that I will write, entitled
But lemme tell you something.
YOU HAVE THE ABILITY, to discover all the answers to “ANY OBJECTION”
that you might encounter in this business.
Wala kang natatapakang tao..
Kahit sino kaya mo harapin, at kahit sino kaya mong sagutin..
That’s ALL.

Thank you once again. For Reading.

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