

Before I start, I just want to share a little secret of mine on what keeps me going on this business.
I eat, breathe, live this business. I LOVE this business, this has become my Passion, the moment I wake up it’s like I am starting an engine, and my mind starts working and It start creating thoughts, positive thoughts, productive thoughts.
SELF-MOTIVATION is very important in this business,
I write these articles not only to motivate my readers, but it’s also a form of motivating myself.
I don’t know if you will believe me.
But I don’t work to please people primarily. I work to please myself..
No matter how much you would like to change the world, no matter how much you want to help people,
if.. you’re not satisfying yourself, if you’re not pleasing yourself, if you don’t believe in yourself..
it’s like you will ran out of juice..
How can you coach people, if your not even successful yourself?
How can you lead people to be successful if you don’t even believe in yourself that you can be successful.
It all start with YOU.
You know how champions are made?? Champions aren’t made in the RING, or in the court.
Manny Pacquiao for example, what makes him a champion? Is it his performance on the ring? NO.
The moment he steps in that ring, he is already a champion..
Champions aren’t made in the ring.. It is made on a place where nobody is cheering for him, no media is filming him, no judge is scoring him, the ring is just a place for recognition. Champions are made in the GYM, where he punish himself to exhaustion, push himself to his limits, and become better and better everyday. That’s where champions are made.
So let go of that thing in your head, thinking what would people think if you take your actions..
“Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t be trapped bydogma – which is living with the results of other people’s thinking. -Steve Jobs
So let’s talk about the importance of GOAL SETTING in an Online Business or Network Marketing business.
In order to succeed in this industry, or life in general you must have goals.  How can you create the life that you want if you don’t have a clear picture of what it is and how you are going to achieve it?
“A goal is a dream with a Deadline” - Napoleon Hill
“Visualize the end before you begin” – Stephen Covey
“Until you commit your goals to a paper, your intentions are like seeds without soil” – Anonymous
I think Zig Ziglar hit it on the head when he said, “You can’t hit a target you can’t see and you can’t see a target you don’t have.”  Many people fail in Internet Marketing because they don’t set goals.  Quite often, it’s not because they didn’t work hard or put in the effort to succeed.  The problem is if you don’t have set achievable goals, you’re really probably doing is “busy work.” And being busy is different from being productive.
Familiar ba? (Forgive me, as much as I would like to make my articles in pure english, I can’t help it, I can only express my true feelings if I speak using my own language – Tagalog) Naka kita ka na ba ng aso na hinahabol ang sarili nyang buntot?

For the poor dog, it looks like he is making progress. But he doesn’t realize that hes not.
Do you spend a good amount of time working on your home based business or Network Marketing Company without any real success?  And maybe its about time to recheck your strategies. And maybe you are committing the same mistake that I made when I was still a newbie in this business. I didn’t set any goals.
You see, when you start doing this business, when you start widening your reach, you will encounter a lot of people who wants to help you in this business, whether offline or online. There’s a lot of mentors out there, there’s a lot of coaches, and you can listen to them all, but with that variety thats also the problem.
Coach A says if you want to be successfull on your online business you should focus on building your list.
Coach B says if you want to become successful on your online business you should focus building a BLOG
Coach C says if you want to be successful in this business you should focus on Tagging People,
So YOU, of course you wanted to become successful in this business, you did all the advices of Coach A, B and C.. at ang malupit pa non, gsto mo rin maging Coach. Habang natututo ka, gsto mo naring mag turo.
Remember my article about FOCUS?  That’s the problem, and that is one of the Deadliest PITFALL in this business.
And that’s the reason why, I am writing this articles in a timely manner. Pwede ko nman isulat toh lahat ng isang araw.. Or gusto mo mag meet tayo, iexplain ko sayo lahat ng ito ng isang bagsakan lang.
The reason why I focus first on ATTITUDE, because that is the most important part that you should learn “FIRST” in this business.
I can teach you how to create your own website (which is coming soon on this blog), how to create your own blog, your own squeeze page etc. But if you don’t have the right attitude, I am pretty sure, if you dont get the results that you wanted fast? You will burn out.. And would probably quit this business before you even finish anything..
Remember being busy is different from being productive.
Pero wag ka mag alala, its normal. Sympre lahat tayo gustong matuto kaagad, we want to be ahead of everyone else, its normal sa isang tao to look for shortcuts in life, and we only learn from our mistakes.
So in order to help you set goals I came up with 10 tips.  And while your doing this, take it seriously, don’t just make something up.  Really take the time to decide what you want, how your going to get it and make plans on how your going to achieve your goals.  I came up with 10 tips to help you get started on your path of becoming a Goal Setter.  Believe me, the more well though out and precise goals you set will definitely affect the results you get.
  1. Put all your goals in writing. Ako I have a huge whiteboard sa harap ng computer ko, you can put it on paper, or in notepad on your desktop anywhere as long madali mo lang syang makita. (tandaan MAKITA ha, hindi MAALALA). Ink is better than think. An unwritten goal is just an easily forgettable thought;
  2. Create clear defined, achievable goals. For example, I want to earn $500 this month. Be very specific about what you want to achieve
  3. Set short and long term goals.
  4. Create a GAME PLAN on how you are going to achieve these goals, and again put it in writing…
  5. Create a daily schedule on how you will achieve your goals
  6. Take immediate action – the sooner you get started the sooner you can realize your dreams
  7. Take consistent action – wag ningas kugon (puro simula lang) take action daily, kahit 10-15 minutes lang everyday, and always review your goals frequently
  8. If you miss your goal, don’t quit. Get back up on that horse and ride it again! Review why you failed to achieve that certain goal, make minor adjustment and try again
  9. Once you achieve a goal. CELEBRATE. Do something for yourself, you earned it.
  10. And after you achieved your goals. Set more goals with a higher level.
Here’s an example of DETAILED SHORT TERM GOALS, Posted by one of my business partners. (Louie Mark Teope)
That’s TASKING, to achieve his goals. As you can see thats his night time routine 7-10pm.
Say for example you want to earn $500 this month, you wrote it down. But you don’t just write it down and wait for a miracle for it to happen. That’s stupid.
I want $500 this month. So I will do this taks everyday. For me to earn $500 this month I need to earn at least $25 per day. So in order to earn $25 per day I need to get 1-2 referrals. To get 1-2 referrals I need to create a PLAN. I need to do tasks.
Once you get the hang of setting and achieving goals it will become a part of your daily routine of running your own home business.  Always remember that it’s your business and no one will run it for you.  Additionally, this may help you, it works for me.  I keep my goals posted where I can see them.  I also have been known to cut out pictures of something I want and I put pictures of it on my wall to motivate me. (Dream Board)
Have fun with it and make the process your own.  Once you set your first set of goals, your on your way to achieving your dreams.  May all of you reach your dreams.
“Observe the TOP PERFORMERS, i’m 100% Sure of this, they all have one thing in common, they are consistent, they never stop, and they keep on achieving their goals.”
I would like to share a know formula on setting goals, Bahala napo kayo mag internalize dyan kasi very common nman yung mga words na ginamit..
In setting up Goals, set it up as SMART GOALS.
S – Specific
M – Motivational
A – Attainable
R – Realistic
T – Time-Framed
Okay, thank you for read this article I hope you learned something,
to end this.. share ko lang yung video ko regarding a story..
(hehe medyo mahilig po kasi tlga ako mag share ng mga motivational stories)
Minsan medyo nahihiya na nga ako to share these videos, haha. Pero what is important is yung Moral Lesson of the story..
So here enjoy!

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