

In every organizations or groups, whatever field it may be, leaders exist. As we all notice, and with the video trainings we’ve watched, or seminars that we have attended, that discusses about leadership, a leader must first humble them self to be great one. Humility, it is.
This is a character a leader must possess.  A leader is therefore a servant. Since the word Leader itself means “the person who leads”.
I’m just new in this Multi-Level Marketing. And because I came to see the great opportunities it brings to me, as a starter, I feel so happy because it brings out the best in me. I gain this bursting self-confidence which enables me to build my own team.
It is not easy to be a leader. I already knew it since my school days. It is indeed not easy to deal with different kinds of people in a group. Then I learned more the meaning of a leader when I got promoted on my previous job, dealing with people with different characters. And as I am building my own team right now, in this MLM Company, I am learning more and more.
A leader, though obtains an authority, doesn’t mean they need to rule over their people. But as what we usually see, nowadays, leaders guide people wrongly. They use their leadership for the sake of their own personal interest. They act as a leader just for fame. Some also do leadership for bullying. And mostly, they do it with PRIDE, which weakens a leader.  They actually don’t know the true meaning of being a leader.
A leader means to be humble. This is the best character or attitude a leader must obtain. How will you become a good leader, if you don’t lead them by example? Even God sent His only beloved Son Jesus to be with the people on Earth. Did Jesus become boastful? No. Since on His birth, it already shows how humble He was. I’m always enlightened with how Jesus came on Earth with a very humble personality, though He is Jesus, the Son of God.
Therefore to be a leader, you must be willing to serve and guide your people accordingly. A leader should apply humility, not only in action, but also in words. A great leader does not only lend a helping hand, but also is very willing to listen and understand situations with a humble heart. We all agree that we cannot please everybody, but is it what really matters? Not actually. We as a great leader will make them see and appreciate how we become a leader to them. That alone is a great achievement already. That alone simply means Success.
Now let me tell you this, it’s not actually hard to become a leader. We all are leaders already. We lead our own lives, ourselves. Now look and evaluate yourself. Are you humble enough to lead your own life? Well, that is where we need to start with and develop, for us to explore on the outside world and be a leader to others. I say it’s just simple for as long as you are determined enough to apply that humility to embrace learning you always meet every day, and put great passion in molding yourself with it, then it’s not far from the fact that you will be a great leader.
Let us look at this illustration and do some evaluation:

Obviously, the main character that binds the three actions is Humility. You humble yourself enough to only clear things, but not making yourself Right for others. You don’t only rely on what you said, nor conclude in what you only want. And because you always consider others opinions, you collaborates all the good ideas your team suggests.  In this manner, you will able to come up into good results that everybody will benefit.
Here are Five Benefits of Humility for a Leader I found on my research:
  1. It gives a leader the capacity to lead out of a position of strength.
  2. It makes a leader more persuasive.
  3. It gives a leader the courage to set aside personal gain for the good of others.
  4. It gives a leader the candor to be honest with his followers and change if necessary.
  5.  It gives a leader the character to respond charitably when attacked.
Thus, start leading with humility, as humility is the recipe of success. Never allow any pride ruin your leadership. Be a great leader by being a great follower.

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